Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Traveling, Springbreak Style

The desert kept Merrick, Joe, Okumpup and I entertained from Mojave to The Dalles, Oregon.
Oh, the high desert!
From Alaskan In The Hinterlands
I learned of Joshua Trees and wild donkeys, horses, and Pronghorn Antelope. Even met a a feral chihuahua out forty miles from anywhere but an undeveloped hot springs near Alkali, Nevada.
From Alaskan In The Hinterlands
From Alaskan In The Hinterlands
From Alaskan In The Hinterlands
Our youngest, Hannah, met us ~via~ Amtrak and we spent a lovely time in Ridgefield, Wa. with the Bochart family. We went dancing to jazz band music from The Russets of Ridgefield High at The Oak Tree.
Grandma Mary fed us large and we visited with all of the cousins and Aunties and Uncles. When we parted, Hannah and I caught the train to Bellingham as Joe and Merrick wound their way that direction in the pickup.

After a week of packing about and visiting B-town friends, (plus Hannah's favorite haunts), we girls are off to the big city of Seattle to hook up with cousin Merry Lee and have a weekend of living large including ~ A Prairie Home Companion at The Paramount Saturday March 27th.
From Alaskan In The Hinterlands
From Alaskan In The Hinterlands

A happy 55th Birthday to our Poppaman! Wish you were here with us darling! Micah too!

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ides of March ~ the darkside!

It's the sweet darkside of the moon, rich with possibility.

It's now one full turn since our Mom, Thursa Revenaugh, stepped over the last twitchit of her life. A tremendous presence lingers, larger than when she was in her prime.She's evident everywhere I look. Every little kid's spark of mischief, each turn of random assistance from the cosmos, each grand-kid who walks through the door.

The collected essence of place and the accumulation of thought and experience in a given life. Even when that collection has been disseminated beyond its original location the memories speak loudly.

This month, I'm learning about Mary Elizabeth Colter, a lady architectural pioneer who hailed from St. Paul, Minn., her choice of hometown.

Colter took her love of the landscape and indigenous people of SW North America and created stunning buildings and interior design reflecting that love. At a time when architectural design was generally modeled on European styles, this uncommon woman turned the tide.

I spent yesterday at the L.A. Union Railroad Station where her work from the late 1930's still shines. The lunchroom, no longer in service will hopefully be turned into a historical monument. It's stunningly classic flavor incorporates traditional SW colors and building material and natural use of light.

Though she died in 1958 at the age of eighty-eight, she's quite alive at Grand Canyon in the buildings there crafted of rock and wood.
From Alaskan In The Hinterlands

I'll be writing more on this topic of place after I've returned to 39 mile. My kids have driven to Grandma's to help haul me home to Alaska.

I leave Bakersfield and my time spent caring for Mom by offering this fine Writer's Almanac entry from March 15, 2010. The poem Fields by Faith Shearin reflect my thoughts today.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Room of One's Own ~

From Alaskan In The Hinterlands

Something fine and kind resonates here that everyone feels.

There was plenty of room for all in this tiny, crowded house. Room for friends and strangers who became friends. Family, both nuclear and satellite.

Even when the place was brimming with the kind of unwashed frustration or hardship that left its occupants drained, nearly broken, others found those realities uniquely vibrant and wanted to be near. A part of it in some way.

They keep coming back, sorry now, that its mistress is gone. Proud to have known her.