Monday, December 12, 2011
The Show Goes On!
With transportation issues haunting class participation and our production, it's been pressed right to the final hour whether we were going to be able to perform. We're there! Kids are ready, treats are baked, excitement (and terror) prevails!
Join us!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Writing/ Loving and Edith Pearlman
In addition to Edith, I'm invigorated by Micah Bochart's recent reworking of his novel,
Companions of the Garden. The diligence required to write is nothing short of devotion. I appreciate their passion, one tasty paragraph after another.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Klukwan School Winter Play 2011
How the stories intersect and become a single telling will require magical realism, puppets and the brilliance of kids. These ingredients we've got. The suspension of disbelief, this time of year, comes somewhat naturally for all of us in the hinterlands.
The largest stumbling block has been getting everyone to school. Some of the students live in town, 21 miles away. With one of the more spectacular Snovembers on history, 11 feet in four weeks, and a bus that's been broken down on either side of Thanksgiving, the kids are hard pressed to have enough in-house classmates to pull off a production. But, we're sure having fun trying. The kids are writing the overlying story and fabricating puppets to tell the interior tales.
So, though I have a terrible reputation for not following up on the stories I share here, I'll make every effort to capture highlights of our progress. I can truthfully say, it's rich getting back to writing
Here's to holiday fal-da-ral!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Over-easy? Not so.
from endless sleep. I rose quickly, pulled on my pants in the near light, and
stumbled out into driving rain and a gale force wind. Tree chicken,
turned banshee, lay crumpled, a flurry of feathers and noise
pinned beneath Red Tail, using his agile body, trying his best to behead her,
put a stop to her piercing war whoops. Up he swooped, distracted, disgruntled and hungry.
My one-eyed warrior-ess heals near the stove.
Hawk will try another day.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
A Bootstrap~Kinda Joy
An acrid sweet melancholy drips from the forest this morning, mixing with smoke from my woodstove. Raven is not far off, talking about his relatives and dropping casual reference to mine, as though he has the right to gossip and share the personal news of others. I wonder if he blogs?
Micah Bochart offers us a teaser film from this summer's puppet show, linked here. It features Hannah Bochart as vocalist, Melina Shields on squeeze, Tim Hawkin on drums and Nicholas on guitar. Sarah Cohen creeps out with The Box.
Can't wait to see what Micah does with the rest of the footage from the Dream Circus. We'll be seeing him in NYC ten days from now (down the rabbit hole!)
Lately, I've had the joy of helping with children's 'art explores' at Dalton City's Golden Mouse Art House. Today we are working on creating felt sculpture ~~~ suds, raw wool and untrammeled imagination in excess. I'll bring back images.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Amazed ~ Prior to Ash
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Autumn Is Comin On!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
It's Cloudy Clear From Where I Stand
This summer clipped by, fueled by visits from family who traveled great distances to be with us at 39 mile.
First, our Micah-man came home for ten days, making time away from his abundantly busy life in New York City. We had opportunity to feast, visit and adventure together. He and I took a boat trip up the Upper Chilkat River with our friend John Katzeek, passing through interwoven river corridors lined by glacier clad mountains toward the spectacularly beautiful river gorge where John's Tlingit ancestors journeyed to access the Yukon's interior. Micah and his sisters Merrick, Hannah and Captain Joe also journeyed to Tiasanka Harbor. Fair days were condensed and rich. Micah jumped in to film our Geppetto's Junkyard performances. This year's extravaganza, A Circus of Dreams, included a life-sized elephant, an aerial performer, and classic dreamscapes both bizarre and ridiculous.
My sister Melody and her fine crew from the Berkshires visited for two weeks as well. Each seemed to find what worked best on an individual basis, some wanting a more rugged experience and others learning about our community lifestyle and homegrown arts scene. Somehow, as though by special request for our visitors, the bug season didn't happen beyond the middle of June. I'll be sure to post pictures soon from Jeff, Peter and Dakotah's flight-seeing trip into the Kluane Icefields and their camping tour of the Golden Circle, Pleasant Camp to Skagway.
Hannah (pictured above) has been with us all summer happily working with Reach clients. In her down time she's writing songs, participated in the puppet show and helped to host our visitors. Next week, Saturday the 27th, the Big Brothers Big Sisters end of the year event will be held at 39 mile. We'll share our backwoods goat trails, late summer plant identification and offer a world class rock tossing event followed with a bar-b-que. That afternoon we'll burn up the road miles to the Palmer State Fair in hopes of catching our buddy Garrison Keillor and A Prairie Home Companion. Garrison is planning to retire next year and I couldn't possibly miss the show while he's here in Alaska. May we make it in time. Wish us luck!
And, with the damp weather settling in around us, I'm looking forward to lots more writing time . Thanks for reading and please, be in touch.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Until Then...
This last season I've found most of the writing I'm doing is 'processing', the soul work that keeps one aware that there's still a lot to learn. Perhaps someday I'll be capable of shaping it into a form that will be useful or entertaining to others. For now, the words and thoughts are piling nicely into spiral-bounds with a number two pencil.
All Things 39 sends out a lot of love and hope for well being to all.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Buzz of Summer
My daughters and I earned our brush and bug creds for the season while climbing the mountain above Thirty-five mile hill two days ago.
We wove our way through tangles of Alder, prehistoric False Hellebore (chest high and luxurious) and spires of towering Devil's Club. The alpine meadows are in full blossom laced in the decaying snow pack. All, but the very highest reaches, though shockingly beautiful, were swarming with hungry hordes on wings.
Last week, we added a wonderful new family member to the next generation from Thirty-nine Mile. Tu-pher is a three year old Husky sled-dog who comes to us from the Stanford family -via- Haines Animal Rescue Kennel. She'll inherit Mason's crown as lead trail boss, when he's ready to pass it on. I've kept the two little Oberhasli does born this spring. Together, they're mastering necessary backwoods skills; logs, stream crossing, steep inclines, staying out overnight, and are not far from graduating to small packs. We should be an awesome quartet.
Fair, bountiful summer. Ha! Dare I say it? I miss the freedom of moving across the winter landscape.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Trio in May
The evening hums on wings designed to hover and travel in reverse
Breathe in the chill and sap rising
The Song of a Green-belly Appetite
Two stand on the river flat and call; insistent, purposeful and loud enough that spring avalanches are only background rumble. Eight bodies with four bellies each and I'm the goatherd, happy only two are sheep.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Happy in the Garden
Before I invite the critters to join me, I groom each trail through the deep woods. While sorting broken branches and lightly raking the path I found the wild beauty of Violets, fragile and fleeting, peeking from beneath a shadowy bolder. The cold cloud cover today will keep them hidden and shy but perhaps tomorrow I can capture an image.
Tomorrow we begin milking again. I figure the day after The End of Days is a great time to start such a delight. Jackquie's fresh cheese next week!
Right now I'm inside loving the Spring Planting Show on A Prairie Home Companion, via WNYC FM. We're too far out the highway for our beloved KHNS FM. While the cast is taking time to put their northern gardens in and the repairs to a 1978 Winnebago satellite transmitter are completed, (Summer Love Tour 2011? Let's go!), Garrison Keillor is sharing a high spirited Spring compilation. So, though I'm cleaning the chicken coop this evening, right now I practicing my dance moves in heels.
What can I say? It's spring.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
There's no help for me. Springtime makes me soft. I yearn for intense warmth in steady abundance and this year, I'm in luck.
The older barn residents and I are taking part in the education of four new- comers, born a week ago. Mama Jackquie, a six year old Oberhasli grandmother, gave birth to two little does and two baby bucks. This week, there's innocence, beauty and a whole lot of laughs springing around on sixteen gangly legs.
Our garden variety sheep offered up a tremendous amount of beautiful fleece, as well. I'm busy carding, dying, and felting small things.
Like I said, there's no help.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A Sere Abundance
Micah chooses a gentle climbing route. Green and burgundy shoots poke up along with signs that most of these early plants are being munched on. We pass a tousled bolder and an exposed root system: icy, moist and musky, telling of a larger appetite.
Sunlight glints off a limbed nest in the crown of a hemlock, two hundred feet up the hillside where three eggs were hatched. Hatched, or are the broken shells from eggs that have been abandoned, a reluctant offering, a snack for an array of flying or tree climbing predators, those who work tirelessly to feed many tiny mouths? On bold legs, fuzzy babies will totter a small advance beyond the warmth of the covey to paw, and claw, learn to snap sharp teeth and snatch sustenance with stealth. We spot feathers, tufts of fur and bone.
This is Micah’s last spring at home. The first born of three is ready to explore a larger life than the magnificence that surrounds him. I recall our earliest time together. Late at night his vitality was so great his tiny body would vibrate with anticipation. A rugged lifestyle was essential for him to grow up well. Now he’s ready. And-- I’m still getting in shape.
Our steady progress up the hill brings us to an outcropping of rock, covered with crunching orange lichen. Dropping our packs and stripping away the sweaters, we pause for a snack.
“I like your backyard, Bochart.”
“Yea, this has been one hell of a place to grow up, Mom. The freedom and ongoing inspiration has made me ready to learn about other places. I’m thinking East Coast as a base for a few years while working, going to school and traveling. I have to see parts of Africa and South America, and I’ve become really interested in South East Asia.”
Below, the glacial valleys are drenched in sunlight. The entire universe is thawing today releasing the sweet smell of a freshened earth.
“My love, wherever you go you’ll bring life and a bright new perspective. Now, THAT’S a mom talking!”
Across the ravine, we spot a brown bear and her new cub at work finding twisted stalk and fireweed shoots. At the base of a fallen spruce the young mother digs shoulder deep to harvest an ant colony while the little one examines her toes.
She’s aware of our presence. We’re compatible.
(Personal history written as an exercise for the class, Klukwan Writing.)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Spring is Weighing In
The sheep are ready for spring. Winter was so dry that those with fur are still dealing with itchy skin. The ewes are attempting to rub their abundant coats off before the weather warms. Anything with an edge offers relief; the loft ladder, keyhole stanchions or low hinges on the stall. Following a fresh start for the woolly ones, the arrival of this spring's baby goats will occur. I'm going to be a barn maid this week. If it was a bit warmer, moonbeams through the hayloft window would be enticing.
Instead, it's time to build a fire in the woodstove. I'll watch tonight's sky cozy-ed up in front of the sliding glass door. Join me?
(The cottonwood and willow tops are wearing a greenish-yellow flush. The Fair Light Review couldn't resist donning a similar look. Now, if I could just catch that fragrance, both to wear and share here. I'll keep trying.)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
As the Snow Melts
Hightop moccasins made from native tanned deer and Klehini Valley felt, wool from the sheep at 39 Mi.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Of Peas and Pods
Horizontal rain pummeled, flexing the loose window casings. My thoughts scrambled through lists for tomorrow’s classes when the dozy, old husk caught a second wind:
“The last ten years of his life he repaired automobile batteries. Kept a moderately lucrative business alive during the Great Depression. He was a big man, nearly as big as you. Great White Hunter type. Saw me as timid, a Mama’s boy, I suppose. ‘Hold the reins. Turn them, now, hold’em!’ Christ, I had nothing to prove.”
I can’t leave him stuck in the recliner, alone, but I’ve got to get to bed. Ivy will stay up visiting. He’s traveled to Alaska to say good-bye, accompanied by his eighty-three year old mother. The flight attendants who assisted the pair worried that one or the other might die before leaving the plane. Neil and I carried him, fireman-style, up eighty-seven slippery stairs from the street to the front door. Grandma was ready to go fishing. It’s been a long week.
“Were you in the service? No, I suppose you’re smarter than that. The war offered a lot of guys the chance to get the hell out, myself included, though once I was in, I couldn’t wait for it to be over. Uncle Sam paid for a college education, and a chance to see the Pacific from a mine sweeper. I was a sonar man.”
He’ll hold you in a web of story for several hours, cover the most abstract subjects; politics, religion, modernist social strata, literature, backed by vivid accounts of the people involved. Then, ask suddenly if you’ve been formally introduced. It takes getting used to. Like body surfing.
Ivy leaned in from the dining room, kissed her poppa on the head and pulled a recorder from her robe, magician style.
“I’m holding the best friend a journalist ever had, primed with fresh tape to document the evening. What do you say, Revenaugh?”
“Well, Daughter, they tell me I’m dying of cancer and the disease is effecting my short-term memory, (hard on a reporter.)
There’s some concern I may not make the trip home to my companion of the last few years (we’ll see if I still hold influence with the airlines.) I’m honored to be with you, always, and I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine, (if he’d be so kind as to remind me who the hell he is.)”
Ivy winked. April Fools
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Patches of Blue
Mornings, I'm filling seed containers with home grown starter mix and though I wake to a skiff of ice, rain, or snow each morning, the late afternoons peak around 60°. Planting never fails to offer that sorely needed jolt, "Pick it up, Girl! There's a lot of living to do."
I grieve the end of winter. I adore snowshoe scrambling across the hillsides, making camp with a book and journal; watching, listening, conjuring. This winter pushed hard with deep, continuous cold and terrific wind, breaking deadwood from the trees, sculpting the mountains and snow across the river flats. Hooked into and surrounded by such a force helps keep perspective.
This year many peers from our community took quick and permanent departure. My friend, Garrison Keillor said about writing eulogies, something like, "if I start now, where would I quit?" I walk with mental recitations of good times spent in and around valley residents who've died and all of us left holding.
It helps considerably that I'm married to the idea of new starts being hatched from rich, old material, including break-up come spring. My winter bridge across the Klehini gave way around midnight. The rush of water soaked snow and ice, suddenly running free, filled the night air with green sweetness.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Happened also to be Fur Rondy, the kick-off celebration of sled dog race season.
It was terribly cold and windy.
The scan showed what we expected and hoped for. The large tumor has been dissolved. Chemo treatment around the world, operating like lounge centers for those fortunate enough to have medical funding, are finding ways to chemically halt the rogue cell production of some cancers.
The way in which people turned out to raise funds for Merrick's treatments still stuns me in the middle of the night. Our community has had many cases of cancer; many who survive and many who don't. We should all be able to have affordable health care and enjoy the love and support of friends and neighbors.
And, the loving support to die well.
I'm watching for signs of spring. Much longer days are making their presence known. Somewhere, beneath the snow, the rhubarb is turning blood red.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Hayman
Merv Armstrong of Haines Junction (more precisely, Dezdeash Lake, YKT.), died Mon. February 7th of a stroke. Merv operated his Hay Ranch at the lake for most of the last thirty years, supplying the region with a sweet mix of natural and Siberian grasses.
Our friends Bob and Margaret Andrews passed along this info for those hoping to pay their tributes. A celebration of Merv Armstrong's life will be on Friday, February 18, from 12 noon to 3p.m. at the Haines Junction Convention Center.
We'll miss the regular 'toot' on your way past, Merv.
Bob also gave me an introduction to JEFF LOWENFELS and his recent gardening articles in The Anchorage Daily News. I'm still such a newbie to the internet that I was thrilled to find such a great resource on Alaskan Gardening, so neatly bundled together. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. A.
So, here's to friends and gardens, and all matters in transition.
(looking down stream on the Dezdeash River ~ from Autumn 2010)
(a low snow year for the little barn and it's occupants)
Joan Dye Gussow
The effort's been brought on by three things. The passing of one full year of being home in the Klehini Valley (after being gone two years to help care for our mom through her passing last February). I'm taking a U of A writing course in Klukwan this spring (always an excellent catalyst to dredge). And, third... I'm a woman of a certain age (be forewarned, I'm looking at creating photo albums with paper, glue and thirty years worth of images next! Every family has it's archivist. Ours moved to NYC!).
From today's inbox, ~via~ Matter Daily Bookstore and Review, I was introduced to Joan Dye Gussow. Gussow's work is published and reviewed here by Chelseagreen Books covering some of my most cherished topics, particularly backyard homesteading. She's an eloquent thinker with dirt beneath her fingernails.
This fine video interview is on the topic of her new book, 'Growing, Older'.
For those of us with "out the highway DSL", start the film, allow it to download while it's on pause, continue to explore elsewhere with another page, then, when you return, drag the slide bar back to begin viewing. Patience is... well, y'know the drill.
She's smart, provocative, and compassionate about becoming real. If you take the time to watch, I'd be interested in hearing what you're thoughts are.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Spring Classes Begin in Klukwan, Alaska
Last week, Jennie Wheeler instructed classes in high-top moccasins and skin sewing. Jennie comes to us from Yakutat, Ak. She says she always looks forward to teaching in Klukwan, the village where her mother and grandmother were from.
Twelve students, both adolescents and adults, completed beautiful knee-high boots and regular cut moccasins adorned with a variety of fur and leather. No two pair were alike. A number of the younger students met with us mornings before school and late in the evenings. When finished, the kids proudly wore their completed fancy footwear back to their regular classes.
Josie and her mocs.
Excited adults contemplated what their next projects might look like. Some will be offering their work through the Hospitality House ~ The Bentwood Box gift shop.
Carving, basketry and traditional woolen weaving classes will also further the local artists scope of marketable art.
Klukwan Writing with Daniel Henry is underway in the village.
The class is broken into two groups with considerable overlapping focus on both the practical writing skills that one might use with their job or community service position and a twelve week, over arching project designed by individual participants.
The work promises to be challenging while offering a chance to nurture local writers in a group setting.
The other classes and events in the village slated for the upcoming weeks will have a spotlight here at the Fair Light Review so be sure to check back on occasion.
And, as always... I'm interested in knowing what else is cooking in our community. If you'd like a column written about your activity, class or special performance, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm in the book!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Warmth, Chill, and Chits Abide
I tend two Oberhasli goats; a milking doe named Jackquie and her wethered son, Ivan. They share the barn with Anna Lise and Zoe our two garden variety ewes. The tiny hen house up the hill protects ten Golden Comet hens and their glorious gentle rooster, a giant Barred Rock named Capt. Kirk.
Through providing shelter, food, water and attention the birds and crits reward us with fresh milk, wool, meat, eggs and garden compost for our river-bottom garden beds. The added plus is the four-leggeds adore alder and eating additional brush (where they're allowed to browse) giving me the false notion of maintaining a bit of open space during the green explosion called summer in South East Alaska.
And ... they love to hike the back country; fording streams and negotiating the deep forest over logs and through the dense understory. They're fine companions who don't mind carrying a moderate load for the old lady.
This time of year however, Mason and I are the only two on the snowshoe trails.
Merrick's Okum-pup comes to visit every couple of weeks. He cranks up the tempo for the old guy and I. The little fella has been a bit house bound of late with this below zero front, however. It's the flesh slicing wind that makes one wonder if it's still the cat's meow living so far North.
For Okum, it's not the cat's meow but the resident squirrels that keep his attention. The little buggers have found access to the interior passage between the walls of my fiber studio and the kid is obsessed.
Honeyman Jeff, has located their various entry points and blocked them adequately, dangling atop the ladder on ice but two days later, the nesters are back. When Oakie is here he's able to ride herd and at least keep them off in the forest.
Pup is away this weekend. Guess who is warm today and ready to listen to A Prairie Home Companion down through the walls?
Merrick at play in the spin-cycle.
The show promises to be extraordinary and this week we get to welcome Sara Watkins as a guest host while Garrison watches from the wings. Enjoy!
P.S. Guy Noir was RED HOT today. Nearly abated my hunger for GK's regular articles which I miss so much. I've provided the pod snippet ~ it's great. Time to ante up my online subscription too.
Sara and her guests were a delight. Check out Abigail Washburn. Her claw-hammer banjo made my musical month complete!
Monday, January 3, 2011
A New Year's begun!
Hannah returned home from school just in time to help with five Geppetto's Junkyard performances of The Miracle of Life. The dinner theater was staged as a burlesque adaptation for actors, puppetry, and original music. I'll be writing more on this with the next update, but suffice it to say, it was a gas!
For Christmas dinner, Merrick cooked two mean (though happy) ducks, complete with stuffing and all the trimmings. We were also happily stuffed on Terry and Judy Jacobson's lefse and Caesar salad.
Micah and Jerin were missing but we kept close by phone. This is a picture taken during his recent SW trip.
Santa hired Handy Joe to surprise Merrick and Okum with a hand crafted freight sled.
We're settling into the nitty-grit of winter now, which I can't seem to get enough of though I pledge to offer a better update of pertinent news later this week.
A Happy New Year to all from 39 mile, Haines Highway.
Hooky Herd
The electric wire is strung, a request that you remain there while my attention and love are fastened over here.
Wait..., I love you more. So-long, rhubarb crown. We're away.
~ Dear, tonight, the milk carries the fragrance of willowherb.~